viernes, 28 de junio de 2013

Samurai II: Vengeance apk (MG)

Samurai: Way of the Warrior was featured in Best Games of 2009 by Apple – Samurai II is a true successor, aided by over a year of focused development. Overall production values and vicious action put Samurai II on par with console 3D brawlers. Screenshots don’t do Samurai II justice – the fluid action has to be seen running at 60 frames per second.
But looks alone won’t carry a game – the developers listened to fan feedback and improved gameplay throughout. With a new virtual d-pad, dynamic camera, environmental puzzles, traps, and vicious new enemies, Samurai II is brand new experience for hack ‘n’ slash gamers on the go.
Samurai II sends Daisuke on a quest for revenge across the war-scorched countryside. From a seafaring village to a flying fortress to the legendary Isle of the Dead, the samurai will stop at nothing to hunt down his arch-enemy Orochi. Will he get his Vengeance?

Run from the ADB Shell :
umount /cache
busybox mount -o rw,remount -t rootfs /
rmdir /cache
mkdir /data/cache
ln -s /data/cache /cache
2 Samsung Devices as Galaxy S
You must have the latest version of Android installed (ideally
gingerbread) or you won't be able to download apps over 30mb.
3 Devices that are running mods such as CM7
Here's a link to a solution on the CM7 forums for such an issue.
4 Others
It's also possible that even though your SD card shows sufficient
space available, other apps on your device are actually using that
space with their own cached data. This is particularly common with
apps like Facebook, which store tons of photos and other data in a
temporary cache which can build up to massive proportions over time.
To manually clear the cache from other apps, go to "Manage Apps" in
your phone's settings, select the offending apps and choose "clear

pass: brigmercury

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